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Software Threat Analysis Center

Product description
Lijian software threat analysis center belongs to threat modeling analysis system, which focuses on solving security issues in the requirements and design phases of the software development lifecycle (SDL). It analyzes project scenarios and software architectures, as well as automates the identification of possible threats, and proposes security requirements. It considers security issues at the beginning of design, which aims for solving security risks with minimal cost, and implanting ”innate“ security genes into software.
Product advantages

Closed-loop threat management

Users can track the process of threat handling. It provides the full process of threat closed-loop management from threat modeling to security requirement verification.

Consolidating security architecture

It can visualize project security analysis and identify similar potential threats and security requirements between projects automatically. It can abstract public threats into top-level security architecture design, and continuously consolidate the security architecture organizations.

Linkage between R&D and testing phase

Link the Lijian SAST and Lijian IAST with One-click. It can provide highly accurate automation verification on threats and security requirements for Lijian STAC platform during the R&D and testing phases, enabling true automation closed-loop.
Product features

Questionnaire-based scenario and architecture research

It provides questionnaire-based research on compliance requirements, requirements scenarios, design architecture, middleware, external exposure surface, system importance level and other information involved in the project, which provides input for subsequent threat analysis and security requirements.

Scenario-based threat analysis

It provides multi-dimensional threat assessment on the business scenarios involved in the project and outputs a series of solutions such as security threat models, security requirement recommendations, requirement implementation solutions, and requirement verification solutions, which completes the closed-loop process from threat identification to requirement verification.

Customized threat management

As for users’ special scenarios, we provide flexible customization functions for scenarios, threats, security requirements, and implementation solutions, allowing users extend and define the platform manually, and enable the platform more compatible with enterprises' own business.